Thursday, December 4, 2008

Another day, another country - New Zealand!

Greetings from Auckland! We arrived here yesterday with LAN airlines (Chile) which was a fabulous flight despite our fears (never having flown with a Chilean airline before!) It seemed to be a brand new plane - very clean like it had never been used yet, with an individual widescreen TV with large choice of films at no extra charge, delicious lunch of ham & chicken salad, fresh fruit and yoghurt and even proper wine glasses for our celebratory glass of plonk as we crossed the ocean! Haven't really done much yet as been busy trying to get our US Visa sorted for later next year (or at least get an appointment for the required interview to get the Visa!) You would not believe how hard that has been to do (and we still haven't managed to get through to the relevant department yet!) Anyway when we had had enough of banging our heads against the proverbial brick wall for the day, we stopped for a late lunch at the Harbour and, oh yes, another glass of wine (Hardy's Shiraz - for the wine buffs amongst you!) Anyway, watch this space for more news from NZ ... ! (JK for the K Team)

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