Friday, November 7, 2008

Wacky Wildlife of the Day - the Thorny Devil!

Now that we are just chilling out for awhile in Sydney, we thought it would be nice to show you some of the weird and wonderful wildlife we have seen throughout our travels in Australia! Apologies to those of you who may have already seen some of them on photos we have sent out, but to those who haven't - hope you enjoy them! Today's Wacky Wildlife is Connie's favourite - the handsome little "Thorny Devil"! We spent ages looking for one when we crossed into Central Australia, all to no avail at first. We did encouter a "sleeping" one which had been preserved by our host at our B&B in Alice Springs (think Monty Python parrot sketch!!!) but then fortunately saw several live ones at a little Reptile Park there. This one we thought was the cutest! They move around in a weird way, apparently resembling a leaf blowing in the wind to deter predators! Also they also have a false head on the top of their real heads so that if they are attacked they bend their heads down and hopefully their attacker grabs the false 'head' which then grows back again! How cool is that?! (Apologies for the photo being the wrong way round! (Click on it to see it bigger!) I took it at that angle as it was moving around quite quickly and then rotated the photo on my laptop. Unfortunately this blog page doesn't recognise that and doesn't have any rotation facilities. So sorry for you all having to put your head on one side to see it but it's worth the effort as he is so cute! Well, we think so anyway! (JK for the K Team)

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