Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Who Let the Dogs Out?!

Thought it would be nice to have a little break from our travel diary to show you some of the furry friends we have met on our journey so far! CK loves dogs, but as most of you know, I am not usually all that keen myself! (As you know Sarah B, I do like Scruffy - but from a distance!) However it was impossible not to have a soft spot for these guys ... ! First there was "Tranquil Dog" - the large dark brown dog lying on his side in the shade! We met him in Italy as he belonged to our hosts at Bellamarina - the lovely little villa we stayed at in Marina di Camerota. His devoted owner, Mr Esposito, told us that he was 22 years old! If you times that by 7 - to work out what that would be in human years - that makes him about 150 or so! Very very old anyway! He looks quite scary in appearance but, as our host informed us on our arrival - "ee is very tranquil!" Which was quite true. He only barked when someone walked past the house and the rest of the time he was to be found fast asleep either on his side on the path or in his kennel, with his big head hanging out of the door! His real name, as we found out later, was Bene (pronounced Ben-nay - very Italian)! Our next doggy friend was also from Marina di Camerota. We didn't find him - it was more of a case of him finding us! He kind of adopted us one day on one of our walks along the coast and kept following us. Sometimes he would walk ahead but then would stop and wait for us to catch up! When we stopped, he stopped! He never barked, just seemed quite happy to walk along with us! Once we went away for the weekend to Capri and on our return we got the bus back from the train station. As we stepped off the bus, there he was at the bus stop! Obviously he just happened to be there anyway, but he actually recognised us and came up to us wagging his tail like he was so pleased to see us! He followed us almost all the way home, until we passed a yard where there were 2 vicious looking rottweilers guarding the place (he wouldn't go past them!) Unfortunately his loyalty was very shortlived though as a week or so later we saw him tagg along with another group of tourists who had just arrived and we didn't see him much after that! Traitor! The shaggy hearthrug dog was my favourite. His name was Bengi and we met him in Kremasti, Rhodes when we had a few evening meals at a little cafe on the main street. No idea who he belonged to, but around 9pm each evening he would run across the road into the cafe and just sit quietly and look at you with the most big, soulful eyes you have ever seen! Obviously waiting for some little titbit or scrap of food to come his way, but then how could you resist such a little cutie?! The final photo is of Butch, our not so furry friend that we pass most days here in St Kilda when we walk to the shops or go to look in the mouth-watering cake shop windows on Acland Street (I have to drag CK away from them after awhile!) We have christened him "low maintenance dog"! But at least some kind soul has put a bowl of water out for him (which he will never get to drink!) and given him a scarf and some leg warmers (although now it's warming up here he doesn't really need those either!) JK for the K Team


Tracey and John said...

Sorry you couldn't find space for Stella on the blog - she really liked you!! I posted a couple of new ones on our blog - she's really learnt to pose now!

The K Team said...

Sorry about that! Didn't have a photo of her though! We certainly liked her too, so if you email us your favourite photo of her I promise to give her a special mention!